Black Temple the Movie by pykmi
Class: Multiple | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Chromaggus ( Reckoning )
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Movie Summary
EDIT: title changed to match the other movies of this series. Also added names to bossfights. The changes are in effect in megaupload links.

This is my first real movie I have ever made. Maybe I should have changed the name, because it seems there are a few movies of this same category and name. But what is done is done.

Anyway the movie is UI free and pretty fast-paced. It includes the whole instance, also trash mobs. In addition this movie is about Illidan. I wanted to conclude his story in my own way and people who have played wc3 and not wow to also experience it. The purpose of the intro was to be a short summary about Illidan's past and how he became the ruler of outland.

And sorry about the file size. I know it's rather big but I'm not that experienced yet in filmmaking. The movie was frapsed and edited a little over month ago before the latest patch. I don't know why I didn't submit it here sooner, but anyway here it is. .

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