25 - Sunwell Plateau by pykmi
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Chromaggus ( Reckoning )
4.98 /5 14 ? ? 546 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This is my second movie, the first being about Black Temple. However this is by far a much better film in every aspect. I remember someone saying about my first movie that I needed a better music direction. So now I concentrated on that a lot more.

It took me about 2 months and over 100 hours of work to fraps and edit this piece. The frapsing particular was the hard part. Because in SWP you can't really be slacking at all and frapsing without UI can easily get your raid wiped if you aren't 110% focused. SWP is no BT :). Of course I'm talking about prepatch (2.4.3) when the fights were actually hard. I only frapsed the last phase of KJ, the end event and a few shots in the current patch (3.0.2). Yeah, we ran out of time.

About the movie: There is once again bosses, trash and RP, all without UI. All SWP bosses and the end event. Although the movie is quite long and big of size, I don't think it gets boring to watch. I also included some wipes in the end. However they are not that spectacular because I usually stopped frapsing after it was a sure wipe.

I hope to get a lot of feedback because if you don't get paid for doing work like this, feedback really is the only reward you can get.

Edit 10.11.2010: This movie is included in the storyline of Return of the Ashbringer II Raiders of Northrend. Nothing big though, only a small back-story.

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